Government & Democracy Reform
Voting Rights
Our democracy is under attack. Federal and State legislators from across the country are working day and night to disenfranchise voters, particularly voters of color, for political gain. 30 states have enacted laws that restrict access to the ballot box since the 2020 election. Allowing state legislatures to legally disenfranchise millions of voters nationwide will undermine our democratic values and suppress the will of the people perpetually. We must simplify voting through policies such as vote-by-mail, same-day voter registration, and automatic voter registration. Voting needs to be easy and accessible to everyone. Other worthwhile policies also include introducing Election Day as a federal holiday, a policy that 65% of college students say would make them more likely to vote, among other proposals. We must also ban gerrymandering by allowing nonpartisan commissions to draw districts fairly.
DC Statehood
American citizens residing in Washington, D.C. have been denied the most basic of rights belonging to those in the rest of America, the right to federal representation. They bear the same responsibilities as all Americans, such as paying federal taxes, with no representation to show for it. It is time we right the wrong of denying over half a million citizens their full right to federal representation without taxation, the basis of what our nation was founded upon.
Self-Determination for US Territories
The US’s history of imperialism and not granting the same rights to all citizens make it imperative that we allow US territories to determine their own fate. Voters of Tomorrow supports the people of all US territories in determining whatever status is best for them. The citizens of Puerto Rico do not deserve to be used as a political pawn traded back and forth by Congress. As a result, all citizens of US territories deserve the right to choose their own fate, whether that is statehood within the US total independence, or somewhere in between.
Youth Representation
It’s time that future generations receive some say, beyond voting, for matters in the US Government. It’s necessary that we have formal and recognized youth representation from qualified individuals in both legislative and executive branches of government in the form of councils or boards that serve as a form of advisement for the president and lawmakers alike. Youth voices and youth issues deserve and need to be heard to protect the interests of youth generations moving forward and to better protect the future of this country and the world. This starts with establishing a White House Youth Americans Advisory Council.
Abolish the Filibuster
The filibuster, a long-time abused system in the Senate, can block all progress in acting on critical issues like civil rights. It is an undemocratic process that stifles the will of the people and places power in the hands of self-acting politicians. The current system remains illogical, undemocratic, and selfish; it has no place in our democratic system. For our government to truly act on the will of the people instead of the interests of a powerful few, we must eliminate the use of the filibuster, so that Congress can pass crucial legislation. 56% of college students support abolishing the filibuster to allow legislation to pass through the Senate with a simple majority.
Campaign Finance Reform
Government is no longer of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is now of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and for the wealthy and will continue to be so until drastic action is taken. Political spending is at an all-time high. Super PACs, special interest groups, and political parties alike all funnel endless amounts of money from anonymous shell companies to elect more members of their party and to ensure specific policies that enrich themselves and their wealthy donors at the expense of their constituents are enacted or blocked. It’s critical that we pursue policies to limit money in politics while simultaneously disallowing politicians from impacting legislation when they receive considerable amounts of money from stakeholders of that legislation.
If you’re interested in reading more, you can download the full Voters of Tomorrow Policy Platform.